
January 30, 2017
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With over 18,000 registered users and an average of over 800 searches per day CrashMap is providing valuable information for a wide variety of stakeholders who benefit from the easy to use search function and detailed reporting functions that CrashMap provides. It is rapidly becoming the go-to resource for local media organisations and journalists who want to understand collision histories on local roads.

Crashmap is a quick and easy-to-use online tool which gives me useful data on road safety 'black-spots'. I can see quickly and easily whether a particular junction or stretch of road has a history of collisions.

Ben Falconer, Stroud Life Editor

Visit CrashMap

Since 2011 CrashMap has provided the most authoritative, up to date and comprehensive searchable map for anyone interested in road safety data.

£99 Unlimited Access Offer

Local authorities, police forces, fire and rescue services and other public bodies can get unlimited access to the database including report downloads for £99 per year.
Contact Us to find out more.

Embed CrashMap's data on your local area website

Available for local authorities, fire and rescue services or local newspapers, we can provide a basic version of the datafeed for you to embed on your own website, just like in the example below. The feature is available free of charge for public organisations taking out annual £99 CrashMap license

CrashMap is an incredibly useful tool for communities and organisations working to prevent devastating casualties and make our roads safer for everyone. Brake supports communities campaigning for safer roads, so we know how important it is they can access information on the crash history of their area. CrashMap is an easy-to-use tool for seeing where and how many people have been hurt or lost lives

Julie Townsend, Brake

CrashMap was originally conceived to allow concerned residents, parish councils, legal representatives, building developers and local authorities to access important collision data for nothing more than a modest click charge. Using a robust data architecture, official government data streams, familiar mapping tools & simple payment interface, this puts the power of public data in the hands of the masses. Additionally, CrashMap has offered free access to the full reports for charitable organisations working in road safety as part of its commitment to improve safety for all.

CrashMap was awarded a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award in 2013.